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It applies to all types of bronze alloys, helps melt the metal, cleaning, removing rust and preventing the absorption of gases.

A saving of metal, as it avoids dragging this into the slag (NO SMOKE OR ODOR OR PRODUCE).

At 100 kilograms of metal used approximately 300 grams of flux.

At 300kg. metal used 600gr. flux.

Crucibles of 600 kg, 1 kg is used. flux.

There are more technical information about this product to request call
4721-9391 / 4756-3084 or via e-mail to ventas@mazzola.biz.

MAZZOLA Productos para Fundición | Munro | Pcia. de Bs. As. | Argentina | Tel.: (011) 4721-9391 / (011) 4756 - 3084 info@mazzola.biz