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Painting - ALUMINIUM - P / MALE Coquille colloidal graphite.


Colloidal graphite.


Plastic containers containing 4 kg of material.

It provides a paste of black metal, which must be diluted in water, if possible, distilled, or rain in the proportion of 1 part pasta, 10 to 20 parts water, this dilution is indicative, depending each particular matrix, it is recommended to apply on clean, preheated matrix from 80 ° C and 100 º C can be used in iron, bronze and aluminum.

Is a covering array of type lubricant and a very good finish, because graphite is composed of finely divided (colloidal), suspended in water.

Provides excellent protection of the arrays, making them more durable.

It causes a great takeoff of the part, avoiding "take" in the matrix.

There are more technical information about this product to request call
4721-9391 / 4756-3084 or via e-mail ventas@mazzola.biz.


MAZZOLA Productos para Fundición | Munro | Pcia. de Bs. As. | Argentina | Tel.: (011) 4721-9391 / (011) 4756 - 3084 info@mazzola.biz